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Who can you believe?

I get it – a LOT of people continue to be nervous about the economy, investments, real estate – you name it. 

…And we won’t even go into how they feel about how various governmental agencies around the world are re-opening the economy.  The House says this, the Senate says that.  The WHO says this, the CDC says that.  Georgia is wide open for business, New York is still practically locked down.

Put it simply, there’s a lot of information and most of it is conflicting.  For me and my team, our biggest choice, every day, is to turn off the noise and simply get to work. 

As an entrepreneur and business owner, you have that same power – in life, in business, and in how you choose to face and conduct your daily activities. 

…And that brings me to the point this morning…

The economy has changed, the way many businesses have to do business has changed, but the truth of the matter is this:  people are still willing to give you money in exchange for your products or services as soon as you make one single decision.

Make it easy for them to do that.

In the last two months, how many of us have gotten crash courses in virtual meetings?  How many times have we seen creative business owners making the most of the situation and tweaking their models to satisfy their customers? 

Are you doing that?  (No, I didn’t say “can you do that” – you can do anything – I said, “Are you doing that?”)

Because right now, the companies and entrepreneurs who are going to be the next overnight success are grabbing market share and creating loads of loyal customers by simply tuning in to what the client wants and modifying their existing business model to give that to them. 

Right now, it’s not enough to tell your customers “we’re sanitizing and disinfecting everything” because everyone is doing that.  Think about Sales 101 – you identify what the client wants, then how they want it. 

If you’re not doing the latter, then you’re throwing in the towel on the success of your business!  Yes, I understand it’s hard to believe that a CPA – the most grounded of all professionals – is telling you to make potentially radical changes in your business model, but it’s true.  We’ve had to do it, too. 

Change can be nerve-wracking (ask me!), but the success of your business – the survival of it – doesn’t hinge on whether you got money from the SBA or the PPP, it hinges on whether you’ll allow yourself to adapt to the new economy and be open for the changes that could completely reinvent your business and industry. 

My team and I are here to help you sort it all out!

Let’s Get To Work-