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So How Long Is This Going to Last?

Every day, clients are calling the office and asking many of the same basic questions.  

Some are about taxes, of course, especially with so much SBA money being thrown around and radical changes affecting how companies use those funds in the face of future taxes.  A lot more, though, are about what we think is going to happen.  

Well, if we’ve learned anything in the last three months, it how statistics can be made to say anything, but personally?  

I think – barring any strange spike as states reopen and people begin to move around more – we’re going to have a heck of a third and fourth quarter.  

The facts are the facts – unlike the recession of 2008-2009, where real estate in the U. S. was impacted, but worldwide, countries like China still showed growth, COVID-19 has impacted everybody.  

Some of those impacts – especially in the Third World – are going to be felt for the rest of the year.  

Here, though?  I see a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs opening up and “putting the pedal to the metal” with new ideas, new tactics, and a renewed sense of purpose to take care of their customers in any way they can.  

It’s going to be a powerful incentive for change AND profit, especially for entrepreneurs who are focused on the customer experience.  

Yes, I’ve talked about this before, but like Michael E. Gerber, author of The E-Myth Revisited, points out, there are only seven variables any company needs to understand to make the sale:

  • Information
  • Understanding
  • Clarification
  • Advice
  • Assistance
  • Reassurance
  • Transaction processing

You don’t even have to do all of those, just understand which ones your client needs!  

Even better?  These last few months have changed how many businesses view their customers, so your ability to get feedback and data has increased exponentially.  

They’re willing to communicate with you, all you have to do is ask!

This is the real reason I’m so bullish on how the second half of the year will be for every business who decides to make it a great year.  So today, I wanted to share my confidence with you – and even lend it to you if you are still struggling to find your own.  Whatever we decide will happen will likely happen, so now?

Let’s choose to be positive.  Let’s choose to be great.

Let’s choose to be profitable, and customer-focused, and excited, and let’s make 2020 memorable NOT for the pandemic but for the major changes we created in our businesses.

Make it a great day-