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Looking (A LOT Further) Forward

No matter what the media says, no matter what the pundits on social media share, the simple fact is this:  There is good news available to everyone when they choose to look for it. 

Don’t believe me? 

How many of you wished for more time with your family?  How many grandparents and parents are finally getting the attention they deserved from their families?  How many of us have put off goals because there was “no time”? 

It comes down to how YOU decide to view these times.  Sure, people are scared, people have financial challenges, there is a lot of chaos.  But what a time to reset the standards you’re willing to keep in your personal and professional lives!

So, let’s talk about some little “housekeeping” you can be doing in your life right now to ensure you’re further along that you ever thought possible as things begin to turn around.

And it will turn around!

Let’s me give you some illustrations, because the pandemic that has weakened the economy represents the beginning of something, not the end.  Don’t believe me?  Did you cry that 2019 ended or did you look forward to the start of 2020?  Think about that for any year.  You made resolutions to begin in the New Year and this is no different. 

Now, to be fair, some of these examples I’m suggesting are based on things you can take action on the near future.  Things like:

Getting really clear on your retirement planning – and don’t listen to excuses about the downturn in the market – it’s going to come back and right now?  You have the time to educate yourself on tactics and investment strategies you might never have thought about.  In fact, maybe you realize that a 401(k) isn’t the right thing to do at all – maybe it’s real estate.  Now is the time to begin the journey!

Now, one of the challenges of exploring this strategy is the number of options involved.  Psychologists call this “choice overload” and we’ve all seen it before.  You go to the grocery store to get something simple – like Ranch dressing – and you’re confronted by 30 different types of Ranch on the shelf and 10 different ways to make it at home. 

Don’t get lost in it!  But the good news is that right now, you have the time to get clear on what “feels” best and to continue to explore those options.  To do this, you simply follow the same discipline we’re asking kids to use for their homeschooling – set a schedule to do certain things each day and then?  Follow it!

One of the most useful things I’ve seen in my own journey regarding how to structure and save for my retirement is the idea to visualize the things I expect that money to do for me.  When I deposit money into that account, I don’t do it thinking, “This is for basic necessities in my golden years,” I think of the abundance it is going to bring me. 

The nice vehicle I can afford to drive.

The trips we can take. 

The pleasant home we’ll live in. 

The top-of-the-line health care I won’t stress about paying for. 

This is a great time to take the initiative and ensure you’re set up for success AND know where to find independent answers to new ideas and strategies.  As we all eagerly anticipate the return of “normal” in the coming weeks, let’s be ready to create the “normal” we truly want to have.

Stay safe and be great!