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Every year, at this time, we get bombarded at the office by folks trying to sort out there healthcare options for the next year. 

Let me be simple and blunt:  It’s going to take you some time to do it and trying to do it at the deadline is going to be painful. 

Now, I know a lot of you have healthcare through an employer, but, depending on their policy, you may end up needing to get coverage for a spouse or child. 

Here’s my biggest tip:

Get all the information you need – social security numbers, dates of birth, tax information, and a good internet connection and simply get it done. 

Clients have reported to me they’ve had better luck signing up on weekdays – especially in the mornings or early afternoons.

One thing is for sure, though – for your own peace of mind, healthcare coverage is critical.   

I can’t tell you which one is right for you, and even though the “penalty” for not having coverage is no longer assessed, let’s be honest – there’s too much stress and the costs of not having coverage far outweigh the monthly costs of having it. 

Heck, if you structure it right, you can write down some of those costs on your income taxes. 

Take your time, gather up your information, and go ahead and get it done.  The deadline is December 15th, so you still have a little bit of time left. 

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