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20/20 is here…

First things first, this isn’t one of those sappy “New Year’s Resolutions” emails.  I’m saving THAT gold for new month. 

What this is, though, is a quick email about your own goals.  I’d like you to take some time this week to think about them:

·         What went right in 2019?

·         What didn’t go so well?

·         What would you change?

·         What “should” you have done?

I’m not just talking about business – I’m talking about life, too.  Did you spend enough time with your family?  Did you feel like you spent too much time “chasing bumblebees”?

One of the most powerful stories ever shared with me came from a client who had saved up and scheduled an Alaskan cruise vacation for him and his family. 

Each morning, he got up early, bundled up one of his daughters, and the two of them went out on the deck to watch the sunrise over the mountains.  The last morning, he did the same thing, but this time, with his wife. 

Years later, his oldest daughter was reflecting on her dad at her wedding and told the story of that cold morning, watching the sun come up with her Dad.  She had this to say, “I’ve been fortunate to have gone on several cruises with my family and friends over the years, but the one memory that stands out the most, of all the times, is of me and my dad, sitting in the cold, watching the sun rise over Alaska.  It has come to typify the most powerful memory I have of Dad and I can’t help think of it and smile.”

Did the man’s time cost anything?  Sure, you could say the vacation costs him plenty.  Maybe he had a cup of coffee and some hot chocolate for his daughter that morning. 

But the real cost?  Virtually nothing.  Merely being present for his family. 

As we begin the countdown to a new year, one that, ironically, is “2020” – I want to ask you to reflect on the good you’ve done in 2019 and plan how you can make a bigger impact among the people you love and who love you this year. 

Let’s see clearly in this New Year-