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Rethinking, Reorganizing, and Reopening

There’s a lot going on in the world today, no matter where your news comes from.  Across the country, as more businesses reopen and try to return to some semblance of normal the fact is:  

Coronavirus is still a threat.  

And while the odds of another shutdown like we experienced in the Spring are (hopefully) slim, your customers have been impacted.  They might not have the cash reserves they once did, they might not want to spend as freely as they used to, or they simply may no longer be in the market.  

I’m getting calls nearly every day looking for advice, and mine is simple:  If you own a business – no matter the industry – then you should take this time to truly explore what you’d do differently.  

Own a brick and mortar?

How could you do it online?

Is all your business online?  

How would you build retail sales – in, for example, traditional merchandisers?  

Or … what about this:  Would you scrap this old business model completely because, deep down inside, you really don’t love it anymore?

What would you replace it with?  Would you quit being a “dentist” or a “mechanic” or a “copywriter” and actually become an Entrepreneur in the truest sense of the word?  Creating something far greater than a job – building a brand.

The next Starbucks.

The next Virgin Atlantic.

The next Apple.

This month, I intend to push you, as a business owner, to really stretch your mind and your goals beyond simple things like “more money” or “more free time” and think critically about how you can truly build a business that is far larger than you might ever have dreamed of.

See you on the other side!